Program Highlights
The Township of Union Public School system is geared to address the multipurpose needs of a diverse population. It provides a multinational program array, which includes, but is not limited to the following:
- Half day pre-kindergarten
- Full day kindergarten
- Instrumental music (beginning grade three)
- Technology programming in all schools
- Full array of special education services
- Army Junior R.O.T.C.
- Multi-level interscholastic programs
- Partnerships with local area corporations and businesses
- Project Acceleration - Seton Hall University
Pathways Program
Pathways FAQ Flyer
Pathway Descriptions
STEM Pathway
GLP3 Pathway
BAM Pathway
VCAP Pathway
Endorsement Options
Intent to Pursue
Academic Achievement Program (AAP)
English Language Learner (ESL) Program
Extended School Day Program
Gifted and Talented (G&T) Program K-8
Multi-Sensory Reading Program
School Policies
Mandated School Policies