Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act
The NJ Department of Education has revised the Questions and Answers document originally released in 2012.
The link below, provided to us by the NJDOE is intended to provide districts and families with answers to frequently asked questions about the ABR, including the definition of harassment, intimidation or bullying (HIB); the principal's role in the investigatory process; incidents where a staff member is the alleged offender; and coordination between school HIB investigations and criminal investigations. All substantive changes to the document since its initial release are highlighted in yellow.
Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act FAQ
Additional resources on HIB can be found at http://www.state.nj.us/education/students/safety/behavior/hib/.
School Self-Assessment for Determining Grades
Township of Union Public School
Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights
The Township of Union Public School District, through self-assessment and reported numbers of confirmed harassment, intimidation, and bullying incidents (HIB) has been issued the following grade 72 out of 75 by the New Jersey Department of Education. The NJDOE has not issued a letter grade for the HIB information, but rather a raw score in order for districts to focus on specific areas that may need additional attention. As per the NJDOE directive each district school must list the information on the school website for public review.
Beginning with the September 2011-2012 school year, our school district/school has conscientiously implemented the requirements found in the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act by providing training on the Anti-Bullying Bill of Right Acts to all members of the faculty and staff. All district employees were provided training on identifying and reporting incidents of HIB as required and outlined in the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights. Annually, a review of the reporting procedures and any changes to the bill are presented to the faculty and staff at the beginning of the school year.
During the first two years of implementation of the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act, our school district/school has made progress in addressing and improving harassment, intimidation and bullying and the school climate and culture by presenting various workshops and assemblies to students and staff on the importance of understanding differences and conflict resolution. In addition, all schools participate in activities that promote an end to harassment, intimidation, and bullying (HIB) in school, at home, and on social media.
While completing the Self-Assessment, we learned that our school district/school has demonstrated strengths in these areas: HIB Programs, Approaches, and other Initiatives, Policy, Faculty and Staff training, and Investigative Personnel.
The Self-Assessment helped our school district/school to identify areas for improvement in the following areas: HIB reporting and HIB Curriculum.
During the upcoming year, our school district/school will be working towards and seek your involvement in improving student understanding of HIB on social media and expanding the HIB program beyond the school day.
School Self-Assessment for Determining Grades
Under the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights
District and School Grade Reports:
2018-2019 (released June, 2020)
2017-18 (released June, 2019)
2016-17 (released May, 2018)
2015-16 (released January, 2017)
2014-15 (released December, 2015)
2013-14 (released December, 2014)
2012-13 (released March, 2014)
Click above for the Twp Union Grade Report
Guidance for Schools on Implementing the
Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act:
Anti-Bullying Law
Parent Information/Anti-Bullying Resources
Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Policy (HIB)
Anti-Bullying Forum
Anti-Bullying Timeline
Anti-Bullying Specialists
(for each school)
Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
Prevention and Intervention Strategies
for Administrators (Rutgers University)
Bullying Presentation / Handout (Montclair University)
Additional resources on anti-bullying from the
New Jersey Department of Education can be found at:
New Jersey Department of Education Power Point presentation
explaining the school and district responsibilities under the law
and best practices for HIB prevention and intervention
-Click Here-